Concerts from iZipe

Concerts by iZipe bands and other world famous bands are held in various locations across the world and will be listed here. iZipe concerts include musicians and bands from various music genres including rock and roll, industrial, punk music, gothic music, rap, hip-hop music, country and western, reggae, jazz and tons of others. iZipe also often uses bands that have used iZipe services for music shows across the world.

Your Band Could be Picked

We often choose bands that get the most attention from iZipe visitors to play in huge concerts at local shows in their areas and even across the globe, should they desire to travel. By using iZipe for your band services, your band is automocatically in the running to perform in our shows.

When we pick bands from our website to perform, we pay all travel costs, lodging, food expenses and payment for performances. This is an extra bonuse for using iZipe services. Every band has the same chance of getting picked. It just depends on how much the iZipe visitors like your band.

Contact iZipe about concerts at (concerts @ ).